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save the earth – recycled cotton fabric.innovative textiles:China News Agency▼◇, May 27 (Reporter Li Xiaoxiang) The latest data released by the Ministry of Commerce on the 27th that the European Unions actual investment of 1950 million US dollars in China, an increase of 12.4% year-on-year; Chinas direct investment of 16.9 billion to the European Union US dollar, large increased by 70.8%. In the same period, China and Europe trade had reached 25•=.5 billion US dollars, an increase of 42% year-on-year, higher than Chinas overall growth rate. The peak of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesperson, said in the press conference held on the same day, China and European mutual economic and trade partners, the cooperation are wide-▷▼, and the interaction between enterprises, has formed △◁▲-“You have me, I have you◆•▷” interest intensity blending pattern In the current epidemic situation, China and Europe tra●•?

National Peoples Congress, Academician, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wang Jianyu▷▷, executive, quantum satellite project, Wang Jianyu, the title: Peoples Congress Wang Jianyu called on the local talents to enjoy “Sea…▲”, ○☆”I have a student very good, from doing graduate students to participate in the Mozi number The work…=□▷, I didnt want to stay in China at the time. “Wang Jianyu, a representative of the National Peoples Congress, academician☆■▲, quantum satellite engineering executive Vice President Wang Jianyu●◇, in an interview with the” Chinese Science News “, I cant help but mention my team training A student. Wang Jianyus evaluation of this student was that the run of the entire project “I am not in★▼, he is not cant do.▷…◇△” In such a team of the main force…■, the approach to progress is slow▪◁▼, and it is still a sub-research staff, and the support and rewards that can be obtained are also awkwar◆•□●.

Original title: Spring is coming to see expectations (economic hotspots) price, fare▼▷, can the drug price are smooth? Will continuously differentiated property markets will soon rise△▼△? “6.5% of the left and right” expected goals constant, mean? … The market economy is expected to be economical. In early spring, with the determination of the two meetings and annual economic goals○■▷, people have more new expectations for the Chinese economy in 2018▲•◁□. What will the price trend will? Although in February, my countrys resident consumption price index created the highest value since 51 months•○▽, but this years price level will still be more gentle “16 yuan of spring bamboo shoots, 5 yuan○■◁…, lettuce 4 yuan … Now the price is OK, but the previous burst Its really expensive▷…▼◇. …=▽”Beijing retired staff Chen Ayi squatting basket, the price of cucumber in the farmer market last month is 1 tim.

China Xinwang Xian May 28 (Reporter Arlen) reporter learned from Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Research Institute on the 28th that the Ministry of Science and Technology Protection, the Provincial Wensuastern Institute and the cultural relics protection repair of the relevant business personnel to Hanbin…☆■, Ankang City A Protection of Cultural Relics in Grassroots Museums▷…. The work is mainly for the preliminary investigation of the cultural relics in Hanshin District Cultural Relics Management, the preservation of the cultural relics of colonies, and further investigation★-▲▷, on-site use of environmental monitoring equipment and portable analysis test instruments to further carry out scientific assessments•☆▲, master the basic status of the cultural relic management management of the library▽▼…, Typical problems and risk factors in various types of cultural relics○◁. At the same time, the collection of cultural relics in colonies is centered=◆□, from daily maintenan.