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natural material:China Xinwang Beijing May 27◆▲◆●, May 27□●•, the national supply and marketing cooperatives were planned to promote the expansion of the poverty achievements and the effective cohesive scenes of rural revitalization will be held in Wuhan. Country revitalization work. Han Liping, Party Secretary of China National Supply and Marketing Cooperation, Han Liping, attended the meeting△•, during the “14th Five-Year Plan▼☆” period▲◁◇, the state will increase the support of the construction of cold-chain logistics system, speed up the construction of supply and marketing cooperative agricultural products cold chain logistics backbone network Let more agricultural products sell out through the supply and marketing cooperatives▽-▽★, sell a good price▷△. Han Liping said that the supply and marketing cooperative has always attached great importance to the pover◆◆◁▲!

Original title=●□◇: A man in Shaanxi is suspected of illegally detained in the escape tour of Leshan Buddha scenic spots☆▼, the net police will control the lives (public security for map) cover news reporter Li Wei■…, Dingwei, June 1, 11 am, a suspected Escape came to the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area. After receiving the information, the Leshan Municipal Public Security Bureau special patrol detachment immediately organized the civilian policeman and rushed to the scenic spot to verify this situation. At 14 oclock on the same day◁▲, in front of Lingyun Temple in Leshan Buddha Scenic Area▷●, the casual clothes found the man, and then according to law, the man said, the man said that she did not carry any personal identity documents, and unable to provide personal valid identity information on the police. The casual waters plan to bring it back to the detachment to continue the investigation, so take it out of the scenic spot••. When a group of people walked to the East Gate of Scenic Area, there were many scenic tourist=◇.

Original title…▷▼△: Solve the peninsula, the opportunity needs to grasp the “Peoples Daily Overseas Edition○▪” (01 Edition▽▷•◁, March 10■☆●○, 2018) On March 9, the President Xi Jinping should talk to the US President Tri General Phone△▲. The two sides exchanged in depth on the Korean Peninsula. The background of this call is that the current Korean Peninsula situation presents positive changes. Dynasty, Han★…, Pingchang Winter Olympics, conducted interactions with the opportunity, agreed to hold the summit at the end of April, and the north-south relations quickly thawed. On March 8☆■△-, the Korean Qingya Table National Security Room○…●●, who is visiting in the United States, said that Trump has agreed to meet with North Koreas highest leaders in May, and the United States will take a step toward direct dialogue. During the Winter Olympics, North Korea did not carry out new nuclear conductors▼☆•★, and US Han also suspended a military exercise against the DPRK◁△. Peninsu trendy backpacks 2021 single use plastic waste★△!

According to the Supervision of the Sichuan Discipline Inspection Commission……★-: Yan Chunfeng▼▪△, deputy secretary of Guangan Municipal Party Committee, is suspected of serious violations☆★, and is currently being accepted for discipline review and supervision. Yan Chunfeng resume Yan Chunfeng, male, Han nationality, born in April 1968◆★▽△, Jiangxi Ruichang, doctoral degree. In April 1991, he participated in the work-◁▼, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1988. From April 1991 to February 1995……, work at Kunming University of Technology▼☆▲; from February 1995 to January 1999★◆, he studied his Ph□▷▷▪.D. in Chongqing University of Architecture (in November 1997, Ren Chongqing Construction Science Research Institute Length assistant); From January 1999 to August 1999, he was assistant to the Dean of Chongqing Institute of Architecture Science-◆•; August 1999 to August 2001☆○•, Renbin City Construction Committ?plastic in landfills – circur economy manufacturing lycra jeans rayon satin,