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eco friendly textiles:Original title: my countrys famous linguists, the master of the Chinese, the original director Zhang Bin died, enjoy the 99-year-old “Shanghai Normal University◁▷☆○” WeChat No●•. April 1 news, my countrys famous linguists▪□▲•, Shanghai Normal University Chinese Department of Chinese Department Former Supreme▷◆○…, the original president of the Langandi, the Second President of the Shanghai Teacher University of Shanghai–▷, passed on March 31, 2018 at the age of 99 on March 31, 2018◁△. Professor Zhang Bin was held in the Yinhe Hall of Longhua Funeral Hall at 9:00 am on April 4, 2018▷○. Here, Shanghai Normal University March 31=★▲, 2018 Zhang Bin Comrade Mealing Committee Contact■•: Teacher Chen■…: 64322810 Hu teacher▷•=-: 64328688 Sun teacher: 64322689 This artic.

Original title-•: The Draft of the State Council Institutional Reform Plan is the draft New Beijing newspaper (Reporter Sha Xue Liang Guo Chao Li Yukun) This morning▼▲, the draft decision of the State Councils reform plan will be discussed to the 13th National Peoples Congress. Previously▼□▷☆, delegations held a review of the reform programs on March 14=▪▽, and representatives generally endorsed the program in their statements▽▪. For the implementation of the program, some representatives shall be suggested, and the local government should be given more self-sovereignty▲☆, and the mechanism is inclined to the base layer▷◆=. “Program adheres to the promotion of simply discharge” in the meeting of the General Council for considering the State Councils institutional reform program●□=-, most delegations, Most delegations, including the Hunan Group, Shaanxi Group, Ningxia Group have fully agreed. “The program is tightly built▷●•◁, the government governance system administration according to law is th.

Original title Liaoning Provincial Party Secretary Chen Xingcheng talks about political ecological construction★-: resolutely rectifying the vocabulament of Chinas voice “News” report□◆◇, yesterday afternoon▼…◁, the 13th National Peoples Congress held the Liaoning delegation held a group opening day. The on-site reporters surrounded by the political ecological construction of Liaoning Province, the quality of the Northeast region▪…▼. Representative of the National Peoples Congress, Chen Qifa in the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, said on the spot, in the case of the political ecological construction of Liaoning, ◁☆▲★”do real things, implementation rights•▪, seek effect, tricks△=…, resolutely rectify the fake◆•▷△, engage in flicker. Advance the selection of cadres, relying on people The product has become a consensus. The political ecology of wind and gas is being formed. “As an important province in the implementation of the strategy of Northeast China, the development of Liaoning has always received attention○▽○. In 2016, Liaoning GDP growth rate -2.5% beca! togetherforacleanoceanindustrial textile – denim garment post-consumer plastic repreve material,