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performance textile,better cotton:Original title: Hangzhou two districts “Homework new regulations◁•” primary school students can “refuse to write★▷■” to “refuse to write□●” in the “Challenge Night War▽△☆” scene of primary and secondary schools across the country▼◇☆-, or will gradually disappear in Hangzhou▲◁□, Zhejiang. Since March, the education authorities in Shangcheng District and Gongshu District◁★▪, Hangzhou, have been controlled by the work time of students in the compulsory education■▼•. It is specified that after 9 oclock in the primary school, after 10 oclock in junior high school, for unfinished homework•▷▪○, it can be “refused”◆▼◁●, only the parents sign the prove. The Beijing News report learned from the Education Bureau of the two districts☆★□, the introduction of the new government◁●•▽, after a longer period of demonstration▲▽, its purpose is to reduce low-level repetitive training, to ensure the sleep time of primary and secondary school students, the specific implementation effect, requires schools and parents Commonly cooperated▼◆◁. The same day called “operation reduction▲△=○” on the same day to enter!

Zhongqing Online Jinan April 25 (China Youth Daily☆▲, Zhongqing Online Reporter Xing Ting) Recently, the five departments of Shandong jointly carry out special actions were ●-“reduced burden” in primary and secondary school students. According to relevant programs, in the future, Shandong primary and secondary school students must be completed by teachers-★, and they may not allow parents to change their homework. All compulsory education schools are exempt from enrollment. According to reports, ◆■=●”Shandong Province has effectively reducing the extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students△△” by Shandong Provincial Department of Education, Shandong Provincial Public Security Department•◆•■, Shandong Provincial Civil Affairs Department, Shandong Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce, jointly issued☆▪▲, program insist The symptoms of specimens, and various departments collaborate▼▲◆. By regulating school management, strengthen education management services, scientific supervision of foreign training institutions==•, guide primary and secondary schools, and respect for education laws and transform peoples conce▲△▲….

Original title: my countrys high-speed rail automatic driving technology is about to test the test verification representative committee brings new news technology daily Beijing March 8 (Reporter Corporation) National Peoples Congress, China Railway Corporation Party Secretary, General Manager Lu Dongfu 8th to Science and Technology Daily reporter It is revealed that new Beijing Shen high-speed rail is expected to achieve new breakthroughs in intelligent technology•▷▪. At present, it is prepared to fully test the new Beijing-Shenzhou high-speed rail organization, do a good job of autonomous control, automatic driving, railway next-generation mobile communication, intelligent substation, Beidou and BIM platform application system, etc. The high-speed rail technology realizes a new breakthrough, and the test results will be put into application when the Beijing high-speed rail is opened. Lu Dongfu said that China Railway will use cloud computing, Internet of Things, big data, Beidou positioning, 5G communication■▽, artificial intelligence and other information technolo.

Original title▷◇•▽: Wuxi explores the family trial: Construction of property inquiry platform anti-hidden, set anti-home rescue help “judge, I listen to you◆▲◆, the child follows his dad▲△, I am relieved camo levis!” Ms. Xu, who lives in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province. Hand of the Judge of the Peoples Court of Liangxi District◁□, Wuxi City◆-▪, said□▲▪◆. Previously, a “grab” war was expanded between two older parents. Xiao Hua is a child who gave birth to Hua and Xu. Although the two sides ruptured to the court divorced, but the little Hua is a favorite-◁…▷, it must compete for the childs custody, and thus cant get it•■…◆. Children dont want to pass it, but also taking a tribute. After the court accepted…=, he selected the mediator●◇☆◆, Yan Shi smoke, who had rich mediation experience, was selected to mediate. In the meantime-◁■△, the judge and the mediator visited many time at home decor store near me▷●!

Original title★☆=: “Exploring the establishment of a member of the public channel” Yesterday, the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference was participating in the 13th National CPPCC, Jilin☆★○○, chairman of the Beijing Municipal CPPCC received an interview with the Beijing News reporter. He said that Beijing will report the spirit of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference to the Beijing Municipal CPPCC, comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party on the CPPCC and the CPPCC◇▽; the chartering of the CPPCC has strengthened the construction of the new Beijing CPPCC. Jilin introduced that this year, the Beijing Municipal CPPCC will continue to revisit the “four centers” functional construction in Beijing, strengthen the ■▷••”four centers▼▼□=” functional construction★▼…○; and organize the Committee of the CPPCC to the “Regulations on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Beijing” Conduct legislative negotiations. In addition, Jilin also said that the Joint Conference of the CPPCC in the Beijing-Tianjin Hebei will continue this yea buying a house without a realtor□◇=▪ environmental damage!