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bci fabric:Original title=☆: Hello to fully deepen the reform of this attack, the reform and opening up is the most distinctive characteristic of contemporary China, which is the most vivid banner of our party in the new historical period▲•☆▷. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the leaders of party members should always adhere to the reform overall situation, always maintain the courage of the self-revolution, always adhere to the problem-oriented, unity and lead the majority of cadres and masses to fully deepen the overall deepening of this attack. A generation of people have a generation of people▷•, a generation of people a generation. It is a generation of generations that dare to act and make up and unremitting, and promote comprehensive reforms and achieve significant achievements. The socialist system of Chinese characteristics is more perfect. The national governance system and the modernization of the management capacity are constantly improving◆•★▷. The development of the whole society is significantly increased. Today, the historical relay rod is transmitted to our generation•★, advanceme◇○.

Original title•○: In June◁★■, the imported car market is 87.1% of China and Automotion “Historical Less” Source: Daily Economic News and other daily economic news August 6 news, recently, China Auto Flow Association released China Import in June 2018 Automobile market situation report, data shows that in June, Chinas auto imports is 15,000, down 87◇▪.1% year-on-year■▷, the decline is huge■★☆; from January to June•○=, the imported car is 452,000•◆●, which is 22◆-▼▽.1% from the same period last year. According to the Economic Daily, Wang Fu, director of the Import Truck Committee of China Automobile Flow Association, said that the decline in imported cars is so large in the first half of the year, and it is relatively rare in history. Different imports in the inventory with the past, this years inventory is reasonable, and the decline in imports is mainly shadowed by tariff polic?

Original title: Chongqing a man puts ex-wife and other 4 people stabbed 1 person has died by the police to capture the China New Network August 11th, according to Chongqing Tongliang District Public Security Bureau official microblogging news, 8:20 on August 11th A case of injured cases occurred in Yuquan Park△▲, Dongcheng Street•☆◆, Tongliang District, Chongqing○◇. Li Mou (male, 59)■★, Pu Lu Street, Tongliang District◇▽•■, was stabbed by 4 people such as Wang (female…☆=, 53)◇◆□◇, Li Mou (male▷•◇◁, 69)○=. Image source-=: Chongqing Tongliang District Public Security Bureau official microblogging. After receiving the alarm◆▪◁, the copper gang police quickly rushed to the scene to capture Li and sent the injured to the doctor. At present, Li Mou has died after being rescued☆-▲•, and the remaining three injured people are being treated. The case is under further investigation. Editor in charge: Huo ! fabricmaterial sourcing – home textile.

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