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chinese seaqual – textile business bci cotton sustainable textile industry,post-consumer polyester:Original title: This “broken”•=, the Ministry of Progressive▽•◆=, I really emerged•◆▼, I was angry…○•, “I didnt change the unified” picture, and I responded to -★…□”Broken” on the 21st. (Source: Joint News Network) Overseas Network August 21st, Taiwan District leader Cai Yingwen on the 20th△▽, just ended the Central America, “Visit○◇” Back to Taiwan, will be “broken” in Salvador, Central America, next morning, this morning, this It is already the fifth “Friends” of Cai Yingwen since the 2nd year of “Breaking”, and Taiwan ▽●▪”AIB” fell to 17. The Kuomintang criticizes Cai Yingwen This is •=□”completely failed”▷•, requiring the Cai Yingwen to apologize for the “incapacity☆=▲…, mistake, and not understand the anti-provincial○□■◇” foreign affairs policy. The Ministry of Protent Party was angry and angry. “Broken” will not ◆◁”change the results of unified Taiwan.” And Tsai Yingwen also wants to “洋 自 自●○”, “the” international society “.

The 13th National Peoples Congress One Meeting News Center will hold a reporter meeting at the Multi-Film Multi-Film on Madu (Thursday) on March 8th, inviting the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the “Chinas foreign policy and external relations…=•” answer ” Chinese and foreign reporters ask questions. All Chinese and foreign reporters who welcome interview meetings participate. The 13th National Peoples Congress One Meeting News Center March 6, 2018 Click to enter the special responsibility Editor: Zhang Jian.

Original title◁•: Authoritative Interpretation: 36th State Councils reform came from “Three Steps” Political Medicine New News (Reporter Ni Weiwangki) Today (March 13) The reform of the curtain of the curtain, is the reform and opening up The eighth round reform has been reform. Since 1982◇▲▼, the reform of the first round of institutions after the reform and opening up, has been 36 years, 36 years, and the institutional reform is divided into several phases? What are the features of each stage? Shen Ronghua△◇, deputy secretary general of the China Administration Society, participated in the design of the 2008 reform plan, and the premise of the 2013 State Councils institutional reform, and proposed a question report◆▲. He accepted the interview with Beijing News reporters, 1982●▷, 1988=☆▷□, 1993, 1998□△★○, 5 reforms in 2003 is a stage, characterist▷=◆.

Original title◁▼○: Tianjin was “stared at this deputy◇◆▪☆”, ◇☆”for the sources of doing●•△◇: Changan Street is a year, Wan Gang has returned to Tianjin. Although the Minister of Science and Technology▽▷, the Minister of Science and Technology has been fulfilled, the focus of Wan Steel is still focused on the development of our most cutting-edge technology. Today▪•▲△, the 2nd World Intelligence Conference opened in Tianjin. Li Hongzhong, Vice-Chairman of the 13th National Committee of China, Li Hongzhong•………, secretary of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee, and Mayor Zhang Guofa, etc=◇★. participated in the opening ceremony. Changan Street, Id: Capitalnews, noticed that Wan Steel for two consecutive years has maintained close attention to Tianjin Intelligent Science and Technology Industry Development-…. This is also reflected in his twins. Wan Steel speaking in the opening ceremony a year ago■●★☆, Wan Steel said in the opening ceremony of the first World Intelligence Conferenc.

Original title△…•△: China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Bureau Investigation Research: Single Xiang is all over the Forbidden City 1200 architectural monk. Visual Chinese information is based on 2012, Single Xiangliang just as the Palace Museum, spent a whole five months, with secretaries, 1200 buildings in the Forbidden City□◇•, 9371 rooms-•◆▷. Then○◆◁▷, he began to “investigate” all departments, two rounds of discussions in 32◁▷□, and also visited more than 90 experts outside the Forbidden City, listening to their recommendations for the development of the Forbidden City•▼-▷. Finally=…☆□, according to the experience of “walking-=…▼”, he wrote “” The General Program “of the” ☆△”Safe Forbidden City” Project “is submitted to the State Council. The plan is to clarify how many rooms in the Forbidden City, how many pieces of cultural relics, and put forward countermeasures for the protection of cultural relics protection□★, guaranteeing approximately 15 million Chinese and foreign visitors, et▲★▷◁.