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environmental goal:Original title: The Director of the United States and Wars proves that the “China threat” is very engaged, but we really cant laugh! The long-lost Bai Bangrui saw the “China Threat◁■•▪” from ▼△△”Mars Rescue”. I have no news in Bai Bangrui for a long time△☆•-. I didnt expect him to see him today. “US Sound” report screenshots You may think•□, this US =△◇•”old white” is? Why do he say ▽▼▪”China Threats” and say “Chinese is fighting○▽■?▽◁◆” This is going on from the beginning. In the distant Washington◁•▼◇, there are three circles that are not very good at each other – academic circles, wisdom circles and policy circles. Their translation is the university teacher◇□●, a wiskist and government officials★○…. Those scholar said that these three circles have ranked to US decisions, is a policy circle Wisdom circle academic circles▲•▼•, of course▷••, university teache.

Original title: Li Ganjie: In the past five years, the central finance invested over 600 billion people in the National Peoples Congress of the National Peoples Congress of the National Peoples Congress=●□, the news center◁▲▽, held a press conference at the Multi-Film◇▪▽=, Merfield, Mei Di, invited Minister of Environmental Protection. Li Ganjie answered the question of Chinese and foreign journalists on the issue of …◆▼”Hitting Pollution Prevention and Treating”★○☆. At the 13th National Peoples Congress-▽▷, the news center held a press conference at the Multi-function Hall of the Metacity Center, and invited the Minister of Environmental Protection. The picture shows the Minister of Environmental Protection○△, Li Ganjie=▲▪, answered the reporter▲▷. Xinhuanet / China Government Network Chen Jie Photo Reuters: I heard that Mr○■. Minister is a full answer to the atmosphere ten■○★=, and we also noticed th▲◆…?

The 13th National Peoples Congress One Meeting News Center held a press conference this morning, inviting the Ministry of Science and Technology▷•☆▪, the Minister of Science and Technology, the Director of the Policies and Regulations, and the Director of the Innovation Development Director Xu Wei, “Accelerating the Building Innovative Country” related issues to answer Chinese and foreign reporters. Ask questions. Minister Wan Steel◇…◇▲, Minister of Science and Technology○▪▷, said that my countrys scientific and technological innovation is gradually turning to more fields by the past and running, leading. He also mentioned the “Brilliant China” adaptation, •▷•”CCTV” adaptation●▽, CCTV, China Film Co.▼●, Ltd▲●□.◆▼, China-☆◇, ◇…”” ” Which high-tech is China? Cloning monkey on the list▪…•◁: ●★▷”Government Work Report□▪○▷” has given a high evaluation of five-year scientific and technological innovation, pointing to the fruitful☆=…, overall innovation capacity and efficiency of innovation▷•△▪, overall innovation capabiliti.

Original title: Capital Airport T2 Terminal “Brush Face” can quickly pass the security of the Capital Airport in the country to achieve “face recognition” security inspection=▪•, currently trial in T2 terminal, the new security system will significantly reduce passengers through security check channel time. The reporter learned from the Capital Airport that after more than two years of research and development, the Capital Airport took the lead in launching the “Smart Passenger Security System” in the country◆▷. Recently▽■, the reporter saw the No. 2 security passage of the domestic departure of the Capital Airport T2 terminal. The new laid intelligent security system has been opened in some security check channels, and some staff guides the passengers before the brush machine▼…□. It is understood that the intelligent security system was first enabled at the airport T2 terminal on March 19. Beijing News reporter Guo Chao completed safety identification and disposal reporters within 1 minute☆◆△=, seeing the link, passenge brand owner•▪ retailer sustainable procurement!corporate wear.