environmental damage – marine litter

sustainable procurement – textile buying office,environmental impact:Four live APPs, four video apps•★○□, two social app this reporter test 10 App ▽-●●”Youth Mode▼☆■” ▽•▲”Youth Mode” can protect the minor★■•? Near June 1, for the protection of minors, the popular problem of public concern. In recent years, with the rise of short video and live broadcast, from pornography▪●, violence○•, etc., the psychological problems of minors, to induce reward, recharge, etc. In this regard, the Net Letter Office urges the App to go online, •○☆■”Youth Protection Model■=△”, but this model really does it work? In this regard□◇▼, Beijing Youth Daily reporter tested the hot APP•◇. Test half of the test APP tenden.

Original title: Agricultural rural department issued African swine fever II epidemic situation Warning This website released on August 3 Human population▽▼…. On August 1st, the live pigs of a farmers in Shenbei New District, Shenyang, Liaoning Province were suspected of African swine fever epidemic, stocking 383, 47 onset, 47 deaths. After receiving the report, I immediately guided the local prevention measures and sampling the detection▲•▽. On August 3••☆•, he was diagnosed by China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center (National Foreign Animal Disease Research Center), which was an African swine fever. After the epidemic◇★◆, our department launched a Level II emergency response in accordance with the ●▼▼”African Pig Feed Epidemic Emergency Plan”. Start emergency response machine according to the requiremen.

Original title: Sun Hao is elected by the Mayor of Harbin Municipal Peoples Government “New Evening News” WeChat Board March 28th news, 14 oclock in the Municipal Peoples Congress held a closed meeting at the Harbin International Convention Center. The conference voted to elect Sun Wei for the Mayor of the Harbin Municipal Peoples Government, and the Gold and Silver Wall is the Dean of Harbin Intermediate Peoples Court▷◇. The Executive President of the General Assembly issued the elected certificate and held a constitutional oath ceremony. Sun Hao, a resolved□▷, Male…■•●, Han, October 1963, Shandong Longkou, August 1985○…•, January 1984■▷▲◆, January 1984▼●◆□, joined the Communist Party of China, Harbin Institute of Architecture Engineering, graduated from the construction of water supply and drainage, Engineering, Engineering Ph.D…•.▷▼, professor. 1981.09-1985☆□.08 Harbin Institute of Architecture Engineeri fashion clothing!

Original title◇○○: Is the tax threshold 7000 or 10000? Liu Shangxi□▽★◆: Depending on the future of life◆▼=◆, Beijing March 6th (Reporter He Zhuoi Li Yingying) During the two sessions, the representative committee recommended to increase the tax threshold to 7000, and some people recommend raising to 10000. So, what genders have been adjusted to my countrys tax reform? How to change? Liu Shangxi, a member of the National Committee of China◁◆…▷, Dean of China Finance Science Research Institute, believes that the high and low of tax gauge depends on the calculation of living costs-▲=-, and the purpose of the tax rate system is to regulate fairness. The tax point for tax depends on the cost of living is recommended to increase the tax threshold to 7000, and some people say to 10000. The most concerned is the representative of the National Peoples Congress, and Dong Mingzhu, chairman of Gree Electric, suggests that a tax gauge is adjuste environmental damage☆☆▽ sustainable product!

Original title◁◇: Yang Chunlei▽◆=: Chuang Shaanxi Procuratorate Brand provides judicial guarantee for economic and social development, and Yang Chunlei, the procurator-General of Shaanxi Provincial Peoples Procuratorate, Justice Justice, the new era, the prospective▪…△, Shaanxi prosecutor brand, provide judicial guarantee for economic and social development Beijing March 16th (Reporter Yu Xiji reporter single pigeon) ▪▼=”Shaanxi procuratorial organs must inherit the red gene, enhance the responsibility, strengthen the determination and confidence of the new era prosecution, with the Yanan spirit to create a prosecutive brand○▽. ▽▪★”On March 16th, the National Peoples Congress, the party secretary of the Shaanxi Provincial Peoples Procuratorate, Yang Chunlei, who was passenger, Jinchang, and the 2018 National Double Session Series Interview, launched. With the “Yanan Spirit▲○”, the procuratorial brand Shaanxi, as a revolutionary holy place, pregna.