litter in the ocean – textile business

textile solution – fabric product:Zhongxin Net Mianyang May 26 (Reporter Yang Yong) “Dad, Mom, I miss you, I want to go home with you▽◇!••■” On May 26=■, He Rong◇▼-■, who left home, finally returned to her day and night. Missing Hometown – Lubban Town, Sanping County, Mianyang City▲-, Sichuan Province Time returned to June 1990, Lounge Long Chunmei-▲★, who lives in Sanyang County▷-, Sichuan Province○●★, with a 3-year-old daughter He Rong to Sanya credit cooperatives, and the time to catch money◁○. When Long Chunmei queued, he repeatedly said that his daughter He Rong★▽◁: △○▪☆”Standing around his mother, dont run away□•▽.” He Rong and his fami litter in the ocean◁◇◁△ fashion clothing!

Original title: The first reporter in the two sessions this year will be fierce! Give the Political Consultative Conference Spokesman Wang Guoqing plastic waste in ocean! This afternoon, the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference was held in the first floor of the Great Hall of the Peoples Great Hall=■▷, and Wang Guoqing▪●▽★, a general meeting of spokesperson•△, was introduced in the General Assembly▲▽▪△, and answered questions in the General Assembly. The General Assembly Spokesperson Wang Guoqing answered the reporter of the Peoples Daily News is the wonderful question and answer of this conference▷▷. Opening, the morning of the morning was closed▪○. The main agenda of the General Assembly: listening to and considering the work report of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference and report on the working situation of proposal.

Original title•-△=: Compared with the United States, Chinas scientific and technological strength is “wild and weak★-▽□” or “powerful to suffocate”? Source: Looking at China Technology, dont blow it on the sky△▷◇, not to enter the ground. Wen Yuan Yufeng Evaluation of Chinas Science and Technology Structure National Laboratory of China University of Science and Technology China University of Science and Technology-★○, has always been a hot topic◁▽▪◇. After the United States, the heat of this topic has reached a historical peak△•▪◇. Many people have realized the importance of core technology★…◆○. I realized that I can buy it is not all-◆●□, I realize that independent innovation is the foundation of the country▷▽●. These are positive effects○△△▷. However▲•▽▽, there are also many mistakes and practices that are still very popular◇-. We just clarified this as an opportunity. A common mistake is to blow in Chin.

Chinas new network reported that the Australian Federal Police recently investigated more than 10 non-acts involved in federal politicians or their employees. At the same time, the investigators are preparing to submit a summary of the evidence of the former employee Sichword called himself in the Capitol. According to reports, it is reported that the federal police have received 40 reports involving 19 incompetent events that may involve members of the Bang Council and their employees. Previously△☆□▽, the Federal Police Department Director Ke Xiao believes in political people, and it is recommended that they will submit all serious events to the police. He also confirmed that in these 19 cases, there were some sexual assaults, and the police will carefully deal with these allegations. KK Xiao said that 12 of them have be.

Original title○◇◁: The Peoples Congress is committed▼■★! 15 days, the National Peoples Congress representative gathered to do these things, Changanjun (ID▷•: Changna-J): The 13th National Peoples Congress will open! At the first press conference held in the National Peoples Congress held on March 4▽△, the spokesperson introduced the agenda of this conference◁△▽, the General Assembly will open on March 5th, on March 20th, the meeting, the meeting 15 days▼▷=. In the 15th day, the National Peoples Congress representatives gathered together, and what agenda will be specifically, Changan Jun takes you first – this conference has ten agendas. The first item: Consideration of the governments work report 2: The third item of the Review Program◁▲☆: Review Budget Report Section 4: Review the fifth item of the draft constitutional amendmen.