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fabric wholesale:Original title: The last official event before the deputy-level officer: Changan Street is aware of the local time from 19 to 20•◆, 20th Group (G20) Finance Minister and the Central Bank President, in the Argentina, Buenos Aire Helping, Zhou Xiaochuan competed groups△☆-. This is the last official event before the deputy-level central bank leader. At the seventh plenary meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress▲△◆, the State Council of Premier Li Keqiang nominated that the session of the General Assembly decided to take the law of the Peoples Bank of China. This means that Zhou Xiaochuan “overhead service” is 16 years later, retired▽□-. Changan Street, Id: Capitalnews■◇, found that in fact, while Zhou Xiaochuan is “travel■○○” while the appointment is generated◇○▷☆. From 17 days to □…■.

Original title: The National Peoples Congress representative Chunliang: Mo let the “high price color” make farmers “Because of marriage□▪” cover news reporter Zhang Lu Yan “, the more poor, the more high price, the house△○, the car, etc.”◆☆☆, the National Peoples Congress On behalf of the Chunliang▽○■, it was the party secretary of the Zhangcun Community Party, Zhangcun Township, Huixian City, Xinxiang City▽…◆□, Xinxiang City, Henan Province. In his observation, in recent years, the phenomenon of “high-priced gift…★☆•” in the countryside has not been rare. This year, the national two sessions, and he puts forward the recommendations of the ◇★☆△”high-priced color gift=▷▽△” issue of rural areas, pointing out to the phenomenon of “high-priced gift” should be contained from the improvement of rural pension security systems, public opinion guidance, etc. In the grassroots work ten years, Yan Chun is discovered that with the development of economic society□□, the colorful ceremony has risen high◇□, the more poor, the more you want to ◇•=”high price■=”▼◁▷. ◆-▼”For some poor areas, .

Original title: Foreign media•★▲: Thai shipwreck accident has caused 33 people to be killed in China Citizens on July 5, on July 5, two ships contained in Phuket◇☆▷•, Thailand, according to Phuket, Thailand The latest news of the Associated Press, as of now, the number of victims has risen to 33 people, and all 23 people are missing◁□◆△. According to early report, local time on July 5○•◁■, at 5:45 pm, there were 127 Chinese tourists on board○▼□-, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed that 78 Chinese tourists have rescued, 33 people missing, 16 people were killed▪▷. ▷◇–“Bangkok Post●○” reported that there were 105 people on the =★==”Phoenix” of the boat, including 93 passengers◇○☆…, 12 crew and tour guides•○○; 42 people on the other •○”Srinita○□■▪”, of whi?

The original title Shen Yao Yao•=▼: There are 21 main contents of the constitutional amendments that have just passed. [Global Network Express] The 13th National Peoples Congress will hold a reporter meeting around March 11 (Sunday) 17:30, invitation For the 13th National Peoples Congress, the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the Secretariat of the National Peoples Congress, the director of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee•=★▲, the deputy head of the Standing Committee, Zheng Shuna–▷, the deputy director of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee▲•, the relevant issues related to the “Constitution Amendment” Reporter question●•. Shen Shu Yao■●◁: The main content of this constitutional revision•☆●▽, the main purpose is to carry out the major theoretical views and major policy policies of the partys nineteen major•▪=•, especially Xi Jinpings new era of Chinese characteristics into the national fundamental law. Reflect the new achievements, new experience△•, new requirements of the development of the party and national busine.