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oceanworks:Original title: A picture reads the highest inspection work report on the afternoon of March 9, the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate Cao Jianming made the highest inspection work at a meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress. The procuratorial organs have been doing it in the past five years? What are the fields of future procuratorates will be★▲▪•? A picture let you read those dry goods in the highest inspection work report ↓ Click to enter the special responsibility Editor◇◁: Zhang Y.

Zhongqing Online Jinan April 25 (China Youth Daily, Zhongqing Online Reporter Xing Ting) Recently, the five departments of Shandong jointly carry out special actions were ▷-◇”reduced burden” in primary and secondary school students. According to relevant programs, in the future, Shandong primary and secondary school students must be completed by teachers, and they may not allow parents to change their homework. All compulsory education schools are exempt from enrollment. According to reports, ▷△□”Shandong Province has effectively reducing the extracurricular burden of primary and secondary school students-□” by Shandong Provincial Department of Education◁▼•, Shandong Provincial Public Security Department●☆△○, Shandong Provincial Civil Affairs Department, Shandong Provincial Human Resources and Social Security Department, Shandong Provincial Administration for Industry and Commerce◁▽, jointly issued, program insist The symptoms of specimens★▽…, and various departments collaborate. By regulating school management△◁•, strengthen education management services, scientific supervision of foreign training institutions, guide primary and secondary schools▪◁▼=, and respect for education laws and transform peoples conce.

Original title=•: The secretary of the 5 Provincial Party Committee adjusted on the same day, such a statement on March 21, the second day of the national two sessions, the central government has focused on the central government of the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee▪●■•, involving Henan, Qinghai•…☆, Sichuan, Guangxi▲△▪■, Jiangxi 5. On the same day▲●▼•, the provinces leading cadres meetings were held, and the deputy ministers of the China Group attended the meeting and announced the central decision□△-▼. The report of the new provincial party committee made a live state: the new Henan Provincial Party Secretary Wang Guosheng held the provinces leading cadre meeting on March 21st•-▪△. Comrade Wu Yuliang, deputy director of the Central Organization Department, attended the meeting and announced the central decision: Comrade Wang Guosheng was a member of the Henan Provincial Committee, a Standing Committee, and Secretary; Comrade Xie Fuzhan no longer served as the Secretary of the Henan Provincial Party Committee★▲, Standing Committee, and Committee. In the speech★◁○▷, Wang Guosheng said that I fully supported it…◆◆, and I would like to thank the Central Committe.

China News, Kunming, May 27th, Suggestions…△○: Close-up: Green Peache and Asian Elephant “Attend” World Environmental Justice Conference Authors super “For a beautiful bird•☆, China is learning to give up▲★….” The World Environmental Judicial Conference is in Kunming On, a line of video description is concerned. The conference hosted Yunnan played a video■▲▽, showing the worlds local biodiversity, and the green peacock is on the huge screen of the venue☆△. The green peacock, also known as the golden peacock○■•▼, is a peacock that is really native to China…■◆, and the degree of rare is not absolutely pandas●•▲. In the long history of China▷★, the green peacock is a more common bird, but it is currently in the verge of extinction. In December 2020★=, Yunnan L.