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new innovative fabrics.recycled fabric manufacturer:Original title: The people of the Lhasa are anxious: there are us in other provincial capitals! As a result○…, a super big surprise was dizzy. In recent years, the development of the China Navy can be described as a new month. After the domestic aircraft carrier sea trial, the China Navys most concerned water vessel is a 055 large-scale destroyer. At present■◇□-, the 055 high drive has been continuously sailed. Chinas most advanced surface operationer, 055 Dawn naming problem is also highly eye-catching, recently, a market-registered response to a Mayors mailbox on the website of the Lhasa City government seems to •▲”leak” “Tianlu★-” named 055. According to the content of the mayors mailbox…◁…•, it is believed that the countrys main provincial capital has basically had a corresponding destroyer, so I hope that Lhasa can apply to the Navy as soon as possible, namely □-“Lhasa○●…” to name the new destroyer. And the staff of Lhasa quickly gave woven tablecloths eco friendly plastic bags canvas uno fake leather sofas!

Original title◇◆: Special Tall Government with three secret weapons to enter the Beijing participation Source▲□●▪: Changan Street△□◆△, a book, wrote a textbook Zihao is holding a national two sessions, the Liberation Army and Armed Police Force delegation is a more special one of 32 delegations◆…◇. In 269 representatives★…, there are generals, but also soldiers, many people in them come from the territory and training ground. In the conference last half a month☆★, as a soldier▼•▲-, certainly cant forget to train. Changan Street•-▲, Id: Capitalnews, found that many of these military delegates have brought their own ■○”secret weapons” in addition to materials related to the conference. Today, the PLA reported the National Peoples Congress, ▪○▷■”The Eagle” Special Travelers, the “Eagle” Special Travel Committee Wuzhongs three “artifacts▷-” carrying the Beijing Gem◇▽. Wu Zhongliang (right) Wu Zhongliang, some gu☆-!

Recently, Guo Rui, chief technician, aircraft▪••, aircraft◁△▪◇, aircraft, aircraft, aircraft, aircraft, aircraft▷•◆, aircraft, aircraft, aircraft, aircraft, a reporter. The Beijing News reporter Hou Shaoqing, the National Peoples Congress representative, “Pienteng Yuan○■” Guo Rui said in the interview with Beijing News, his most concerned is the topic of high-skilled talents. He suggested that on the basis of the existing National Scientific Progress Award•◇, the scientific and progressive technical awards at the provincial=△☆, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, mobilized the promotion of the majority of workers and farmers●○◆. The high-skilled talent results declaration channel is a narrow New Beijing News■▼=…: This is the first time to choose the National Peoples Congress representative, I know that I am still surprised after being elected? Guo Rui▼○▪: Surprised-•◇•, I learned that I have elected the National Peoples Congress at night, the same nigh.