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ocean clean-ups:Original title☆☆▼▽: Demystifying the first underwater special police elite forces in China□▪: carrying the darkness of the water•▪○■, bringing the light! “Changan Jian○■” WeChat, the lake is dark, the glare flashlight cannot illuminate the vicinity, can only go with your hand. Zhang Niegou, the police team of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the team members, recalled the underwater mission in the winter night, he said, “The water under the cold is not promising◁★▼”. The cold seems to pass through the bones, bone, bone marrow, make people confirm that they are still alive, the sound of the heart, the slow movement of the limbs, the short nose, and blink. The search task is a veritable ▽▪…”sea fishing needle◁▪••”. What is so soft? “Is this this?” He secretly swimped on the shore with a fear★●□. Drag the surface, dry the mask•■▲, he only lo recycled nylon fabric!

Original title◁▽▼: Japanese media said that Chinas promotion of innovation faces many challenge aging and intensifying a problem on October 12▪◁, 2016. In 2016, the National Volkswagen Entrepreneur Innovation Activities Week Shenzhen main venue◇▼☆, exhibitors in demonstrating a robot exhibit. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jin Liwang Reference Information Network reported on March 29th ☆○☆☆”Japan Economic News○○” March 28th published article ◁◁=”China Government Policy Promoting Industrial Innovation Speed”◇☆★•, the author is an associate professor in Tokyo University, Ito Sheng▽◇△▲, Iwa Sheng. The article said that the Chinese governments implementation of policy promotes innovation is that innovation-★●, including new knowledge and new ideas◆△▪=, has the characteristics of public wealth, and has the positive impact of the benefit of individual enterprises○☆●…. Especially since 2015, the Chinese government has been actively taken measures to promote innovation▲☆. artic.

Original title: CCTV Financial Review 丨 significantly price cut recycled polyester fabric – fabric wholesa. retailer! Anti-cancer brightening the price reduction “green signal light”▼▲, how big is the future space? On May 1 this year, my country announced that the tariff of the import of anticancer drugs was reduced to zero•○. At the same time, 154 anticancer drugs including imported drugs and domestic medicines were taxed△★▪, and the value-added tax was reduced to 3%●▽. Nowadays, new policies are implemented soon for three months, and there are new changes in anti-cancer drugs-◁○◁. How does the support mechanism follow up•●▼▪? How much is the anti-cancer drug price reduction? On July 30th, “CCTV Financial Review” invited Wang Zhen, the National Institute of Economics Institute, the National Development and Reform Commission International Cooperation Center, the chief economist, came to the studio•▲▷•, and launched in-depth discussion=▼•. What new changes in the price of anti-cancer drugs◁●=? Measures and news about anti-cancer drug price reducti▪☆▷?

Original title: 2018 National Second Session of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee Member Xie Xiaojun: It is recommended to change the tax tax to the average income of family members☆◆□△, the Beijing-Beijing News (Reporter Jia Shizhen) Today (March 9)★○•☆, in the Delegation of Chongqing At the group discussion meeting, the Committee of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee, attended the 13th National Peoples Congress▽▷•, Xie Xiaojun recommended that the national fiscal tax department should change the tax base levy by the individual income tax in the tax reform=★◁, and the average income of family members should be used as a baseline. Not based on individual salary income and other income. The voice is just falling○◇▼▲, and there is a representative of the report that this proposal is conducive to the birth of the second child. Xie Xiajun said that the comprehensive second child policy has to land, and now many people want to be born△-○●, I feel that the burden is too heavy. Xie Xiajun believes that the average income of family members will recycled material!