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polyester yarn:Original title British Media☆▲: Shanghai Hotel is a tricks of the indoor air than the room 10 times the reference news network on March 28, the new media said that the newly opened Condi hotel appearance is luxurious, it seems to have no other high-end hotels in Shanghai◁•. Different…=, there is a pool, huge ballroom and a high-end spa in the hotel□★▲■. However, it is most proud of having a very rare in Chinas big cities: clean indoor air. According to the British ◇▲”Guardian” website reported on March 27, thousands of hotels in this super big city were not high, which means that in order to attract customers, the hotel needs to provide more luxurious while reducing prices. special service. In PM2☆▲.5, it is often more than such a city in Beijing, and this luxury hotel has come to a new idea. Report th◁▽△◆!

Original title: Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Chairman Li Shufu: We have a thin Source every day: China Economic Week “No matter you buy Volvo, or buy Mercedes-Benz★-, not all picture Geely recycle fabric near me!●•” This section is vivid to interpret the car circle this year Explosive event●○◆. February 24th•▪•▼, Geely Group Co., Ltd. (Note▼◁▲: Management of Li Shufu, Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co-=◁.★=, Ltd.) announced that the total number of voting rights has been purchased by 9.69% of Daimlers main body of the overseas business, will become Daim after the completion of the acquisition. The biggest shareholder of Le. During this year▪▼, During the country, the chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference and the chairman of China Sino-Chemical Group Co., Ltd. used the word =◁”wonderful▼□-” to describe this•●▪, “This is not imaginable in 5 years ago■-▪▷, buy Volvo is also unimaginable. “Geely see duck canvas – companies that use palm oil, white burlap fabric!

Original title: “Sanbei” protective forest is a haze to help? Expert: fake rubbish in the ocean flannelette fitted sheets! [Global Times reporter Bai Yunyi] is located in the “three-north” protective forest in the north, often become a “back pot” of the large-scale smog in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area. There is a rumor that it has blocked the wind blowing smog□▼▷. Going to the winter, this spring•◆, Tianjin-Hebi is obviously reduced, “Three North▲▪” protective forests have been felled to ensure Beijing “Blue Sky★□”. “Three-North” protective Lin really is the harmonious of the northern smog? “The Global Times…▷◇” reporter interviewed Zhang Hengde, director of the Environmental Meteorological Center of China Meteorological Bureau, and member of the National Committee of the Chinese Meteorological Association-☆○▲, Zhang Xingwei, deputy director of the National Committee of China, and the deputy director of the China Meteorological Bureau Remote Sensing Application Service Center☆…. The picture shows the autumn scenery of Inner Mongolia, the autumn scenery of Inner Mongoli●-■.

Original title: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Wang Ma Fang respects MMS MH370 lost China Passenger home justified the right to work [Global Network Comprehensive Report] August 3, 2018◆▪●, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson hosted a routine reporter meeting, there is a reporter asked Tao△★▼, Malaysia MH370 passenger incident event investigation team held a meeting in Beijing and Malaysia MH370 lost Chinese passengers☆▷. what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue…▲? Requirements, we have always focusing on the work of Malaysia MH370 passenger planes, and also noticed that Malaysia Transportation Ministers recently regard to the relevant statements of MH370 passenger planes without abandonment. I hope that Ma Fangzhi emphasizes the justice rights of Chinas passengers•▲▼○, paying attention to their legitimate appeal▲•=, and continue to do follow-up◆▽. Click to enter the topic★◁▷●: Mast.

Original title: Last year▲•-, traffic fixed assets investment is over 3 trillion□◆. The high-speed rail business mileage reached 25…▪,000 kilometers. In 2017, the fixed asset investment in the railway road waterway is 311.5116 billion yuan, an increase of 11.6% over the previous year★☆. Today, the Ministry of Transport (March 30) issued the 2017 Transportation Industry Development Statistics Publication, showed the latest ◁○◆▼”transcript” above◇▼▼. Statistics show that in 2017▲=★■, the national railway completed fixed asset investment of 801 billion yuan, putting production of new lines 3038 kilometers, of which high-speed railway is 2182 kilometers☆■; road completion of construction investment of 2125.333 billion yuan, an increase of 18•■□▪.2% over the previous year. Among them, the construction of highway construction has been investing 92☆□.5786 billion yuan▲▽☆, an increase of 12-★.4%▲▽-; the construction of ordinary country provincial roads completed investment 726•-☆.