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marine plastic:Original title: The Draft of the State Council Institutional Reform Plan is the draft New Beijing newspaper (Reporter Sha Xue Liang Guo Chao Li Yukun) This morning☆-■, the draft decision of the State Councils reform plan will be discussed to the 13th National Peoples Congress◆●. Previously▽◇, delegations held a review of the reform programs on March 14, and representatives generally endorsed the program in their statements. For the implementation of the program★▽▲, some representatives shall be suggested, and the local government should be given more self-sovereignty, and the mechanism is inclined to the base layer. “Program adheres to the promotion of simply discharge” in the meeting of the General Council for considering the State Councils institutional reform program, most delegations▪▼, Most delegations, including the Hunan Group, Shaanxi Group, Ningxia Group have fully agreed. “The program is tightly built, the government governance system administration according to law is th.

Original title: Interview with Secretary of the National Peoples Congress Standing Committee=☆•, Ding Zhongli, to establish a scientific research evaluation system with the times on March 17th, the fifth plenary meeting of the 13th National Peoples Congress, held in the Great Hall of the People▲◇▪▽. The conference election has produced the leaders of the new National Peoples Congress Standing Committee…◁-•. On the evening, the newly elected Ding Zhongli, who was elected as the deputy chairman of the National Peoples Congress, was a guest of the Peoples Network, and exchanged online communication with netizens. To establish a scientific research and evaluation system that advancing with the times○▷▷: We often talk about the scientific evaluation system, in fact, all units have fixed, my country has no unified scientific evaluation system, some calling, some calling performance points, According to the score••◁, I will give you three or six nineteen, and hook your salary income. This evaluation is in our national scientific resear■▪•.

Original title: [Peoples Network Review] Coupled in “Bright Sword”, dare to counter-system, good at “playing seven” US US must respond! After China decided to increase tariffs of 14 categories of soybeans★=, automobiles and chemicals, US President Trump released news on Twitter: “We didnt trade in China.” Attentive British “Guardian” found that there is so confused before and after this statement. One month ago, Trump was also stitched, and the trade war is “good things” for the United States=-, the trade war is ▷★▪”good things●○”, and the “good thing” is “very easy△-▪○”. The US changed the aggressive situation, is from the firm confidence in China …★◁•”Finding”. In the United States●▪◇, I am taking advantage of the trade protectionist – after opening a list of 50 billion US dollars, less than 24 hours☆•, China officially bright sword, release the same for sustainable textile manufacturers beach target=_blank>chinese fabric suppliers seaquel!