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textile manufacturer – medical textiles sustainable textile manufacturers marine plastic,performance fabric:China Net reporter question: We know that many colleges and universities have changed very much since last year, and the attraction is also significantly enhanced. How do you think of these changes? In addition to the thinking lesson, what should we continue to strengthen the intensive work in colleges and universities? Chen Baosheng…▪◁: In December 2016, the Party Central Committee held a conference in the Ideological and Political Work Conference in Colleges and Universities, and General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at this meeting. After more than a year of practice, we have become more and more profoundly recognized that this meeting is a milestone meeting★△▲. The speech at the meeting is a program for a program. Chen Baosheng: In accordance with the speech of General Secretary, we have arranged and improved ideological and political work in colleges and universities in accordance with General Secretary. I have played an improvement of the quality and level of colleges and universities. From five aspec.

[Changsheng Biology◆■▪: Bai Bai Bai production workshop has been suspended will formulate practical corrective actions] Changsheng creatures Reply to deep, at present•–…, the company has been discontinued▷△•, and the company is actively studying Bai Bai breaking the vaccine and Basic multi-vaccine☆△=. For the incident, we feel very self-blaming, once again expressed deep apologies to the vacculvers and investors. The company will lead to the ring, to give a non-feasible corrective measures to make thorough rectification, ensure the production of compliance●-◆, authenticity, reliability, traceability=▽▲•, and the safety of vaccine▷▼□. [Kangtai Biology responded “The King of Vaccine” report: the current product quality stability] Kangtai Biology issued a clarification announcement on the network related report▲○○•, “the king of the vaccine•★” is n.

(Shencheng Scenic Line) A cup “I cant forget” “Memory Coffee” China New News Hospital Shanghai May 28th Suggestion: A cup “I cant forget” “Memory Coffee” China News Service, Li Yusheng If I have, Ill take it. Iron, please dont see it; if you have some small cups, but come to a big cup, please bear with me. In Shanghai Pudong◆▪, there is a “memory café▷-“. The clerk may make your coffee■■◇, but it will not forget to have a guest of every stationery▪…★: “Welcome○▲”. This is the first cafe for Chinas first immersion intervention experience for cognitive old people. The elderly working in this cafe is a high-risk crowd of cognitive disorders or suffering from mild cognitive disorders. Here, they are kind to ?

China News Network Xining May 28 (Reporter Zhang Tianfu) On the occasion of the International Childrens Day, the special food donation ceremony of Phenyltrinone urine disease in Qinghai Province was held on May 28th, the organizer, the organizer The public appeals to the public to pay attention to these natural ▼•”pickupers” and reduce birth defects. Phenylketone urine is reduced by phenylalanine hydroxylase in the human liver, abnormal phenylalanine metabolism, phenylalanine and its metabolites in vivo accumulation★○◁▷, damage to the nervous system◇☆▪▼, ultimately leading to the decline in intelligence. If it is well controlled, it generally does not affect the development of nervous system and the natural life. Zhao Chengmao=▲◆…, Dean of Qinghai Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital•▲◆, introduced that according to three age groups, this time will donate to 130 childr▽=■△.

Zhongxin Net Shenyang May 27th (Zhao Guihua) There is a …★•△”Tiexi District City Civilization Tour”, which is a moral model, excellent volunteer, peoples representative and the CPPCC committee, is a “Tiexi District City Civilization Tour”, which is a moral model, excellent volunteer◆★▪, representative and government conference, is “” ” Woodpecker “Action, in depth, in the local main road, park attractions, transportation station■▽-▷, residential community, service window and other places to engage in tour activities, timely discovering problems, actively deviating presentation. On May 27th◁△●◇, the reporter learned in an interview in Shenyang City, this is a year of civilized tour team, including 21 members▷◇◇…, their footsteps almost every corner of the local, accumulated feedback and propose rationalization suggestions More than 110, most questions are proper☆▼?