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marine plastic pollution:Original title: This is an open letter, let the Hebei Provincial Party Committee Secretary ordered the thorough investigation overnight●◁◆▷? On July 27, Wang Dongfeng◇●, director of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Provincial Bureau, and Wang Dongfeng, said that the person in charge of Xian, a transportation company reflects the issue of the problem of difficulty in the examination and approval of the highway over-limit transportation of Hebei Province◆▪◇. It is highly attached to the night■△△▪, and it will make a priority and clearly Claim. According to Journalists confirmed that Wang Dongfeng saw the open letter written by Hou Shaoang, the person in charge of Xian Laodou Lifting Lifting Transportation Co.▷-•, Ltd. Hou Shaogang said that the Hebei Provincial Communications Department has been in contact with him on the 27th☆◇▲▲, and the leaders have apologized. On the afternoon■◁▷●, the over-limited transportation pass has already been done, •◆•▪”the speed of the speed”. Hou Shaogang also said: “I also put recommendations and requirements, to solve from the top floor design△◇◆, approval process. Not saying that◇○!

Original title: Hong Kong media said that China and Japan jointly developed the worlds fastest suspension train: 500 km from March 7, 2018□•, the train travels near Chess Bay Station, Huanji, Huanji, Hainan. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Guanyu photographed news network April 27 report port media said that China promotes high-speed rail travel to the world seems to be warmed, and China is jointly developing a rapid speed up to 500 kilometers with Japan. It may become the fastest train in the world. According to the Hong Kong •▲•”Nanhua Morning Post” website, “Chongqing Morning News▷▽◇★” invokes the Professor Lai Yuguang, who participated in the development of Chongqing University of Technology▽◁▷◁, said that the first generation of high-speed pneumatic suspension trains, second generation style trial and real-heart trials have been in Japan. carry out•◁=. According to reports, the highest speed of such a train may reach automotive interior textile▪-.

China News Agency▼•◇, Beijing May 27 (Reporter Zhou Yin) China Ministry of Transport Department disclosed, 2020 ◆●•, Do a good job in emergency emergency disposal. The total annual organization coordinated rescue action 1758★△, successfully rescued 1110 in-years□▽◇, 10◁▷,834 Chinese and foreign distressed people, and the search and rescue success rate was 95.8%. Sun Wenjian pointed out that in order to encourage social search and rescue power to participate in the sea search and rescue operation, the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center organized experts 2020 searches recommended by 35 provincial sea search and rescue agencie. fabric manufactuer yoga fabric target=_blank>cotton fabric wholesale