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fabric wholesale direct:Original title■-: In 2017, the average daily exposure of sexual assault cases, nearly 60% of acquaintances◆▪•, according to China Voice “News◇◆” report. In 2017, many sexual assaults for media exposure triggered social attention☆□……. Yesterday-●▷, the Chinese Junior Childrens Culture Art Foundation Girls Protection Fund released the 2017 sexual assault case statistical and anti-sexual invasion education. According to the report, children who have been reported by children from 2014 in 2017 have been greatly increased in 2013, which reflects that children have been severely affected by sexual assault, and also reflects the attention of the society from all walks of life. Studies have shown that due to the many factors•▷, the sexual assault cases are difficult to all public reports and statistics, and the disclosed cases are only the horn of the iceberg in the actual case. How to strength!

Original title Daily Media: China to create intellectual property rights “all the way▪-” Japan should learn from the source☆★▷▲: China Daily Network China Daily Network March 25th●•, the Nikkei News 中文 网 March 23▽◇□, published in the article “China to create intellectual property rights” all the way ▼=◁” Japan should study. The content of the article is as follows: China is accumulating intellectual property rights such as patents, and is moving towards the “intellectual property power▲-□=” in the industry strength☆•□. The stage is the national market and ○•”all the way△…■•” ideas. In March 2017, the Beijing Intellectual Property Court found that the portable terminal of Sony Mobile Communications (China) has infringed the patents of China Communication Technology Corporation Xi Huadong▼●…▷, requiring Sony to stop selling related products and pays about 9 million yuan compensation△●. Sony is determined to be infringement is called ▪◁•.

Original title: The National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference, Yi Jianqiang: should open the network to the airport high-speed railway station Source▪△-●: Legal Evening Newspaper Hailing Bureau WeChat Legal Evening News · Views News (Reporter Ju Xueqing) With the booming of the network, this Flexible and efficient, convenient traveling methods are more popular•…●, but passengers use webmarks near the airport and high-speed railway station, but it is facing difficulties in the car. Recently, two consecutive years of payment of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference◁●, Chinese Academy of Automation Research Institute, Dr△=▽◇. Yi Jianqiang, said that the relevant departments should promote the airport▲•, high-speed rail station●□, etc. Channel and the necessary supporting public facilities, cracking this new problem due to new models, for passengers, drivers and traffic manageme▲☆ eco-friendly product!

Shen Yue Qi Qi Yue Yue▷◆-…, Female●…, Han nationality, born in January 1957, Ningbo★◇◆, Zhejiang▽▼, participated in the work in May 1977, joined the Chinese Communist Party in September 1981 and the Central Party School graduate degree★…•▲. He is currently the chairman of the 1999th Central Committee, Vice Chairman of the 13th National Peoples Congress Standing Committee and the Chairman of the Chinese Womens Federation◁☆. From 1977 to 1978, Ningbo Town-☆★▼, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Ningbo Normal School…=◁▪, Ningbo Normal School, School of Mathematics, School of Mathematics◁▪, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Province, 1983- 1984, Zhejiang Ningbo Municipal Committee Deputy Secretary from 1984 to 1986, Secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee of Zhejiang Province, 1986-991, Zhejiang Association Deputy Secretary (herei cotton fabric wholesale plastic waste in ocean!

Original title: China China Military Military Wang Yi: Some foreign forces drive the ship aircraft to the South China Sea. It is the influence of the Peaceful Liberation Daily. The foothold of the South China Sea issue is responsible for the Chinese people, responsible for historical facts, responsible for the world peace, is responsible for the international rule of law, this position is as strong as a rock, one consistent-◁. Wang Yi said that the first is the opportunity in the South China Sea. China and ASEAN have reached a high degree of consensus, that is, we are willing to use the South China Sea Code of Conduct to settle the stable situation. A few days ago, China and ASEAN countries conducted the first consultation in the text of the norm, and made positive progress. At least at least during the ye.