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Original title: Video Liaoning Show The first domestic aircraft carrier★△▪▼: Join us, fight side by side, the Liaoning ship released the latest propaganda video, I look forward to the second aircraft carrier in China to join the Navy battle sequence ocean bound▽…! And played in the end “Add to us, fight side by side jeans fabric types!”. Editor in charge◆•■•: Huo ?

Original title: Media disclosure: Guo Bo Xiongs son Guo Zhenggang to help the old township military school▷□, charge millions of writing Tall buildings ○…”The whole army is more than half of my home promotion!” People who say this believe that the small friends are very familiar – the Central Political Bureau The member of the member, the former vice chairman of the Central Military Commission•▽△, Guo Bo Xiong, who was originally will hear Guo Zhenggang. He still has another ★▽”famous saying”☆▲★: anti-corruption-…○, engage in, it means to mean□▷□•. A decision of the Chinese referee document shows that Guo Zhenggang has received 1 million yuan, helping an extraordinary military school with a poor test. Guo Zhenggang 2008, in 2009, the chairman of Shaanxi Xianyang Kaifa Coal Industry Co●◆□…., Ltd. Gu Moujia is served at the Air Force First Communications Tempance Station, and I want to go to the military school to make progress, but the cultural level is relatively poor, cant take. To this en.

Original title: The Party Committee of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission announced the establishment of the Party Committee of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission announced its recent, and the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission held the Cadre General◇△●▼. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of China announced the decision of the Central Committee of the Party Committee of the Bank of China Insurance Regulatory Commission◆◁▼◇, and requested the requirements for the implementation of the central decision-making deployment▷△. Guo Shuqing, Party Committee, Wang Zhaoxian▼▽, Chen Wenhui△-■□, Huang Hong, Cao Yu▽□☆, Zhou Liang, Liang Tao, Zhu Shimin–, Li Xinran attended the meeting. The party committee secretary Guo Shuqing represents the newly established party committees statement, says that resolutely support the central decision, to fully recognize the establishment of the China Bank Insurance Regulatory Commission▪○, is to deepen the party and national institutions in the party and national institutions with Comrade Xi Jinpin.the impact of environmental degradation society – retail trade.