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water bottle:Original title: Due to equipment failure◇=, high-speed railway large-area stops New Beijing News (Reporter Zeng Qiu) According to the Guangzhou Railway Bureau news, today (March 5), Guangzhou high-speed rail due to some of the train is late, stop▽▪, Passengers can refund any station in the country within 30 days. At noon today•◁…▷, Mr. Li said to the Beijing News reporter that, according to the original plan=●△□, he took 8 oclock in Shenzhen North 8 points from Guangzhou, “The result was waiting for 5 hours.▲▽◆=” The reporter search found, no Passengers who take the Guangzhou-Shenzhen high-speed rail have been dissatisfied with the online post◇△, but also have the affected, not only Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and there are Humens and other stations. According to the 12306 ticket information, the D-head and the G top head are basically stopped, and the C-head ticket is still available. According to the Shenzhen North Station, the news is called, on March 5○▪☆=.

Original title: [2018 two sessions · Reform new journey] Scholars ◇☆□□”work does not have to be in my” new connotation core view: Economic Daily – China Economic Network Column Author Zhang Guodong believes that standing in new historical orientation, want to write a new new The new answers of the times■=★▽, learn to learn “work is not necessarily in me”, and it is indispensable to us. On the morning of the 8th, when I was attending the Shandong delegation, Xi Jinping said, -▽□”Made in the work is not in me”○●▷, not negative, bulb, no act, but to firmly establish the correct political performance-★☆•, both to make the people see , Touching, affordable practical practical, but also doing a good thing for future generations, playing the foundation, long-term good things, but also to do performance□☆, and Not thinking than a personal name, pursuing the good mouth of the people, after histo.

Original title◆■…: Win△☆▽…! 40 Chinese steel companies have won the anti-monopoly investigation of the United States, the Ministry of Commerce is a bit great cotton fabric wholesale distributors post-consumer plastic workwear! Yesterday (20th)○▪, the US International Trade Commission decided to terminate the plaintiff American steel companys ○◁□”337 survey” for Chinas steel…■▪, because the plaintiff cannot prove that it suffers against anti-monopoly damage□=▽, no plaintiff qualifications□■▲. At this point, this has been terminated in the past two years, and the “337 survey” of China Iron and Steel is terminated. Today☆□▽-, the Ministry of Commerce responds to this•=, appreciates this ruling. Wang Hejun=△, Director of the Ministry of Commerce, said that Chinas attitude towards the US International Trade Commission can respect the factual attitude○○▲★, China and the United States are the top two world economies▼◁▷, and it is also an important trading partner. Some differences between China and the United States can be understood, but they need to respect the fact.

China News Agency, May 27 (Reporter Zhang Daozheng) “The overseas Chinese is an important force in Chinas construction and development. In the Chinese revolution•■◆-, construction, reform, it has made an irreplaceable important contribution.▽○▽…” Chinese Commerce Xu Rongmao, president of the Federation●▽, delivered a speech on the 11th China Economic Forum on the 27th. On the same day, the 11th China Overseas Chinese Merchant Forum was held in Tianjin. Xu Rongmao attended the forum and speaking-▪◇☆, he said that since the reform and opening up, the majority of overseas Chinese vendors have worked in the motherland, dare to be a priority, actively returning to investment▪◇-, is a proactive participant in Chinas reform and opening up•△, actively contributors. “According to statistics, more than 60% of foreign investment●-☆, more than 70% foreign-funded enterprise▪•◆.