marine plastic pollution -ersonalized fabric

recycled textile:Original title◇◇▽○: Comrade Li Zhengxiang passed the Guangdong Provincial Military Region Deputy Army Departure Old Red Army, the original Guangzhou Military Region Engineering and Team Consultant Li Zhengxiang★▪▼▽, I died in Guangzhou on February 3, 2018, and enjoy the 101 year old. Comrade Li Zhengxiang is a Sichuan Bazhong■◆•, born in December 1917▪★★▲, enlisted in September 1933, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1935. His soldiers, propagandists▪★▽•, squad leaders★▽△, long, long, long▷★, head□★, head◆▪☆, deputy chief. Source: Liberation Army News Editor▲◇▷★: Guiqia.

Original title: The European Navy also wants to come to the South China Sea …○•”Cruise◆◇●”●◆■? The EU senior official is a bit “stupid” EU security policy, François Riviso■…△☆, during the last week, said in the future, the European Navy is not ruled out in the South China Sea△…▼▷. The possibility of sailing patrols. Data Map★…▪▼: Nanhai According to the “Australian Financial Comment” report•-, the EU Safety Policy Leader Françoa Riviso visited Australia last week that the European Navy did not rule out the possibility of sailing patrols in the South China Sea. The EU expressed concerns about the “increasing tight” situation in the South China Sea□◆. Riviso said that the ocean is a •▷”global land”, and the South China Sea of ​​Peace is in line with the trade interests of Europe and is also global interests=-•. He believes that the EU can be seen as “honest and middleman” of the South China Sea dispute▼…◇◇. According to reports, the United Stat marine plastic pollution.

China Xinwang Zhengzhou May 27th (Wang Defeng) “According to the Ecological Environment Department, 2020 air environment quality■□, water environment quality comprehensive evaluation results are” excellent “☆☆, contaminated cultivated land▽◆▽◁, pollution block safety utilization 100%, the provinces ecological environment quality is high, the ecological environment of the people■=▼●, the sense of happiness and safety are universally enhanced. “On May 27th, the Secretary of the Party Group, the Secretary of the Ecological Environment Office of Henan Province□■, said Wang Zhongtian…★. On May 27th, the Henan Provincial Government Information Office held a series of press conferences in the “New Journey to the Salary”, which responded to social concerns around the ecological environment construction and pollution prevention and control, and the ◆☆…”13th Five-Year Plan●★△◇” environmental protecti?fabric factory textile target=_blank>chinese textile manufacturers