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keep oceans clean:Original title: Tan Min, Deputy Director of the Central Avenue▼…-●: The army of the army should brave “the main battle=▷◇▽”, the argument, the central military video screenshot of the central army. The representative of the deputy demand, said that he is separated from the old military system system▼▲, adapting to a new aquarium system, the first thing is to change the old concept and establish a new idea. For the main responsibilities of the army of the army new style▽☆△, Tan Min representative summarizes four major aspects□☆: the main responsibilities☆▲•▷, combat joint training=○☆□, victory◆▪▲○, winning, compensation. 01 The main battle area is a joint operational command agency△•. Its main function is the main battle, the main battle is the responsibility, the concept of the responsiben is to actively take the initiative■-△…, to dare to take the risk, to meet the test, to play Win the war and fulfill your missio?

China Xinwang Beijing May 27 (Reporter Zhang Su) is not able to participate in the Australian Ambassador to participate in the Australian Civil Ambassador★▼△★. Yang Juns case involves state secrets, and does not publicly hears according to law, no place to listen, and completely legally reasonable. According to Zhao Lijian, the second branch of the Beijing Municipal Peoples Procuratorate was reviewed on October 7, 2020, which filed a public prosecution for the Australian Criminal Peoples Court to Beijing Second Intermediate Peoples Court on October 7☆◁▼=, 2020. Beijing Second Intermediate Peoples Court held a trial according to law on May 27 this year. Zhao Lijian said that the case is currently in the process of tria.

China New Network Beijing May 27 (Xu Wei Du Yan) It is reported that the overall AIDS epidemic in Beijing is currently in low levels of epidemic. The number of new reports has dropped steadily. The sexual dissemination is still the main spread of AIDS▼◁□. This is the “Zheng Youth, Love Health-Campus☆○☆■” event hosted by the Beijing Semic Disease AIDS Prevention Association and the Beijing CDC jointly organized by the Beijing CDC•◁▲. Teenagers are the prevention and control of the vice president of Chinas Chinas AIDS Prevention and Treatment Association◆★, Wang Xinlun, introduced that AIDS is infectious disease in Chinas key prevention◇▲-, current AIDS has no causing drugs, no vaccine prevention◇○. Three main spread paths of HIV-sex■◆▷, blood and maternal and child◁◆☆. In recent yea ocean floor.

Original title: Guizhou urgent next flood season disaster prevention notice in the 24-hour emergency value, Central Guangwang Guiyang May 5th news (Reporter Chen Wei) May 4▪▪◁, Guizhou Provincial Civil Affairs Department issued an urgent notice, requiring grassroots civil affairs departments In response to the situation in the flood season•▷…●, further do currently disaster prevention and mitigation disaster relief work. In May◆◁-○, Guizhou has gradually been close to the flood season△◇. The Civil Affairs Department of Guizhou Province urgently requires the civil affairs department at all levels to prevent disasters, do a good job in the work of disaster prevention and mitigation and disaster relief in flood season, and do their best to mitigate disaster risk, reduce disasters•=•=, and effectively protect The basic life of the affected people…▼=. Notice emphasizes to strengthen the investigation and treatment of disaster hidden dangers□◆●, and all the civil service institutions and civil affairs systems such as the nursing homes, the welfare hospital, the disaster relief materials reserve are all incorporated into the scope of investigation and remediation, and do not leave the blind are●★●!

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