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sustainable fabric suppliers:Beidou Navigation certification pilot started the size of the satellite navigation industry or the “Economic Report●◁” was exclusively learned from authoritative channels-◆○, China Beidou Satellite Navigation Product Testing Certification Union (hereinafter referred to as “Alliance”) has held “Beidou Satellite Navigation Product Certification Work Promotion Conference, officially launched a certification pilot work of Beidou satellite navigation products and services including chips, terminal products, information systems, and operators. According to the China National Certification and Accreditation Administration Committee and the China Satellite Navigation Positioning Application Management Center◇=■, this move will further promote the construction of the Beidou satellite navigation product certification system▼▽•▲, which helps to improve the overall quality level of Beidou satellite navigation products, standardize Beidou Satellite navigation industry management, accelerate Beidou satellite navigation industrialization process to ensure industrial heal!

Original title◇=☆▲: Central Bank exclusively: Why stop the fourth set of RMB part coupons? Since May this year☆-=▪, some of the fourth sets of RMB cannot be used again◆-△▪. On March 22nd☆△▪, the central bank announced from May 1, 2018, stopped the fourth set of RMB 100○◁○▼, 50 yuan, 10 yuan, 5 yuan◆○, 2 yuan, 1 yuan△▪◁, 2 angle banknotes and 1 angle coins (hereinafter referred to Four sets of RMB part courses) circulation in the market. What are these renminbi? A more detailed help master (ID: Banglicai) is equipped with a picture at the end of the text. Before the help of the Lord, the collection value has been interpreted•=△▼, welcome to see it. Today, on the use, exchange of students, the central bank today responds exclusive responses today. Give your heart to praise☆★, the help of the new Beijing newspaper is such a co bci cotton mattress home textiles!

Zhongxin Net Tianjin May 27th (Zhang Dao Zheng Wang Junxi) The Fourth Council of the Five Council of the Five Council in Tianjin on the 26th. Xu Rongmao…●, president of the China Overseas Chinese Commerce, is pointed out that since the new crown pneumonia epidemic★▽, the overseas Chinese trade will actively call the members as the anti-vlogan donation to donate, and get a positive response●□★. According to incomplete statistics△▲, member companies have donated money to donate to new crown epidemic▷•, and accumulated about 11 billion yuan. Xu Rongmao said that since the change=▽▪▷, the China Overseas Chinese Federation has guided the company to actively participate in various activities…◆▽, support the country and local economic and social development, and the effect is obvious◆★•▷. Take the initiative to give love●□-, in the social public welfare undertaki.ocean waste – hosiery textile!