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home furnishings:On March 4th, the 13th National Peoples Congress will hold a press conference in the Peoples Hall Press Release Hall on March 4th, and the spokesperson of the General Assembly will answer questions about China and foreign reporters on the issue of the General Assembly agenda and the Peoples Congress▪◆○. All Chinese and foreign reporters who welcome interview meetings participate. The reporter can enter the East Gate of the Peoples General Hall with a reporter certificate issued by the conference. The 13th National Peoples Congress One Meeting News Center March 2, 2018 Editor●☆◆•: Zhang Jian◇▲▼☆.

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Ma 飚 简马 马 马▽▼○, male, Zhuang◆□▪, born in August 1954, Tianyang●☆, Guangxi▲▪•=, participated in the work in October 1972, June 1985, June 1985…•●☆, June 1985▷▲●▽, June 1985, joined the Chinese Communist Party, the Political Department of Political Science and Economics, University of the Central Ethnic Institute, graduates, researcher. He is currently a vice chairman of the 19th National Central Committee of the Communist Party of China☆◁○•. 1972-1978 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Liuzhou Iron and Steel Factory Workers from 1978-1982, Political Science◆★★★, Department of Political Science…▲-, Department of Political Science, Assistant Researcher, Deputy Researcher and Deputy Director of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region•△, 1982-1991 (] From 1990 to 1991••▪•, he was responsible for the deputy secretary of Luo Chengyu Autonomous County Committee▷◁□-, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 1991-19?