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bioearth:Original title: 2018 Xiao Yaqing☆…•, director of the national two sessions of the national capital committee: Last year, the total amount of central enterprises is 36…=□.1 trillion liabilities level controlled to Beijing News (Reporter Shaob) Today (March 10), in the afternoon, a meeting in the 13th National Peoples Congress At the press conference, Xiao Yaqing○□◇, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Commission▽◇, said that the level of debt the central enterprise is controllable. At the same time●▪◇◇, it is also necessary to see that some central enterprises, some of the second-level three-level enterprise debt ratio of Central Enterprises are high, and the risks still exist. Xiao Yaqing introduced that from Central Enterprises, in recent years★=, the liability level of central enterprises has been effectively controlled and gradually decline. At the end of 2017, the total assets of central enterprises were 54.5 trillion○■•, and the average asset debt ratio was 66.3%, down 0.4 percentage points over the previous year. Total liabilities .

The Hong Kong Chinese Chamber of Commerce (“China Total”) Welcomes the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Legislative Council today (27th) through “In 2021 Perfection Election System (Comprehensive Amendment) Bill”, the revision of the Chief Executive and the Legislative Council will fully implement the “patriotism□▷” Governor, to ensure that the “one country and two systems◆★▽” have a steady, and promote the development of Hong Kong political development. The meeting expects that the SAR Government will make a detailed description of the detail as soon as possible to prepare from three elections in the future. Yuan Wu believes that the new election system expands the size of the Election Committee, and increasing the Legislative Council•■○, fully reflecting the principle of “extensive representation” and “balanced participation”●★□=, and helps achieve good governance. Electoral Committee add?

Original title▪▪▽: Two conferences Ma Huateng suggested to formulate ★▼□”National Park Law” China Securities Network News (Reporter Shao Hao) After the two sessions, the National Peoples Congress, the National Peoples Congress●•▽, Tencent Board of Directors▼☆▪, Chairman and Chief Executive official Ma Mi Teng this year, I will submit this year•★•▼. A written recommendation on the construction of ecological civilization – ◁•”Issue on Encourage Social Welfare Organization to participate in the construction and management of national parks=☆■▲”. Ma Huateng believes that national parks are a public welfare national project○▲, and social public welfare institutions have natural advantages in participating in all-in engineering. Public welfare organizations should play their own advantages■-●△, actively engage in the natural protection of my countrys national park as the main body, participate in the construction of “beautiful China”. Ma Huateng proposed five specific recommendations: First, formulate •★”national pa! wholesale fabric distributors corporate wear.

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